EMCORE Newsletter 18/12/23
This week we look back at a few of the things we taught or did, in 2023:
EMCORE Queensland: Registration closing on 3rd January. If you’re coming and haven’t booked the new Cardiac Bootcamp yet, what are you doing? Book Now. We still have 1 place left for the Advanced Airway Workshop with me in Qld.
- Clearing the Suicidal Patient: This was one of my favourite EMCORE sessions where I got to discuss/debated with Prof Chris Stapleberg, on how we clear the psychiatric patient and the confounders involved. Watch the discussion here.
- We looked at Resuscitating Kids often including avoiding intubation and pearls in resuscitation, arrhythmias in kids and more. We went back to changing the way we think about it so that we remove the FEAR component.
- We looked tailored personalised resuscitation where I spoke about one size not fitting all. We looked at how to use Ultrasound, ETCO2 traces and BP traces rather than absolute figures at EMCORE in Queensland and Singapore.
- We looked at a fascinating case I had of the patient with dizziness post ablation. I made the diagnosis(even though I didn’t know I had at the time) Read the Case here.
- We reviewed all sorts of guidelines, from reversing DOACS, to Electrical Storm, to Seizures and more
- We looked at the scary Right Ventricular Spiral of Death
- We did so many Literature Reviews, like this one on Lignocaine vs Amiodarone or this on VL vs DL
- EMCORE Singapore came next. It was the most amazing place to hold a conference.
- Then EMCORE London (my new favourite place)with amazing speakers on Trauma Resuscitation, Fluid Management, REBOA in Cardiac Arrest and more and where we took the Airway Ashes from the English team. We had the ACEM current President join in discussions with the current and past Royal College Presidents and discussed how we can improve Emergency Medicine. The outcomes were fascinating.
- We talked airway and the Obese Patient, the Difficult Airway, Awake Intubation, the Sandwich approach, intubation in the patient who can’t lie down and more. We covered Ventilators and ventilation in Ventilator Settings Made Easy.
- RESUSCORE Bali came next and it was the most relaxing and amazing conference all at once.
- We finished the year off by going back to our favourite place FIJI and introduced a day of PEMCORE there as well.
This is only a glimpse of about 20% of what we did.
If you couldn’t make it to any of these conferences in 2023, you can still purchase the online lectures:
EMCORE Lectures
I want to thank you all for being part of the EMCORE Family and also for reading the blogs and sending me so many kind emails and letting me know how helpful this teaching is.
Peter Kas
2024 will be OUTSTANDING! We are holding 3 EMCORE Conferences in 2024:
EMCORE Queensland: Closing soon
EMCORELondon Filling fast
EMCORE Fij This will be an amazing Conference.
EM Mastery will be launched in January 2024.
This will be a monthly collection of:
4 Clinical Case Podcasts,
8 Minutes to Mastery (5-8 minute) Video Lecture Synopses of EM Topics and
8 PaperCut reviews, which will review the most important new literature
PLUS a Bi-Monthly Live Webinar Series, that you can also watch later.
Imagine spending no more than about an hour a week and being absolutely up to date with all of your Emergency Medicine. This will be your go-to education hub. PLUS you will have archive access.
Stay tuned!
I am looking forward to these conferences in 2024. Join us for what will be AMAZING experiences, with superstar speakers and state of the art topics!
That’s all I’ve got for you this week. Enjoy and see you soon at EMCORE
Peter Kas